How to Survive a Wolf Attack: 11 Steps

Surviving a wolf attack involves staying calm and taking specific actions to deter the wolf without provoking it further. Here’s a step-by-step guide, complete with some useful tips:

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  • Do Not Run: Running may trigger the wolf's instinct to chase. Stay as calm as possible and maintain your ground.
  • Make Yourself Appear Larger: Stand tall, raise your arms, and open your jacket if you’re wearing one. This makes you appear more intimidating to the wolf.
  • Maintain Eye Contact: Avoid staring aggressively, but maintain eye contact. Wolves may view a lack of eye contact as a sign of submission.
  • Back Away Slowly: Slowly start moving back without turning your back on the wolf. Keep your movements smooth to avoid triggering a chase.
  • Make Noise: Yell, clap your hands, or use anything that can make a loud noise to scare the wolf away. However, do not scream as high-pitched noises may provoke it.
  • Use Air Horns or Whistles: If you have an air horn or a whistle, use it. The loud noise can frighten the wolf and cause it to flee.
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  • Do Not Corner the Wolf: Ensure the wolf has an escape route. Wolves more often attack if they feel cornered or threatened without an escape.
  • Use Objects as Weapons: If attacked, use any objects you can find to defend yourself. Aim for the nose, eyes, and ears which are sensitive areas.
  • Climb a Tree: If possible, climb a tree. Wolves are not adept climbers, so this can be a good temporary refuge until the wolf leaves.
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  • Protect Your Neck and Face: If a wolf does attack, try to remain standing and protect your neck, face, and vital organs. Curl into a ball only as a last resort.
  • Report the Encounter: After the encounter, report it to wildlife officials. They can take necessary steps to prevent future incidents and manage wildlife in the area.

Remember, wolf attacks on humans are extremely rare. Wolves usually avoid people and prefer to escape rather than engage. If you're in wolf territory, be aware of your surroundings, keep pets close, and consider carrying bear spray, which can be effective in deterring wolves in an emergency.